Monday, April 5, 2010

My Easter fun

Hello!  I hope everyone had a great Easter yesterday.  I don't have a card, but I thought I would share some pics of my Easter fun.
Dying Easter Eggs.....

My Easter goodies...

My Easter Dress...

It was a fun day.



  1. You had a great Easter with your family! Looking good in your new Easter dress! :<)

    Wishing you a fun day today!

    Barbara Diane

  2. WOW Abby! you´re so talented like your mom! and you have a beautiul blog with lovely creations! I´m following you so... I´ll come back to see more! ;)

  3. Hello Abby!

    I have an award for you on my blog.

    Wishing you a good day today!

    Barbara Diane


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