Sunday, February 3, 2019

Review: Skyward by Brandon Sanderson

Hello everyone!
I recently finished my first ever Brandon Sanderson novel, Skyward. It's a sci-fi novel that follows a girl, Spensa, whose father was accused of being a coward. His decision of turning away from a very big battle has challenged her standing among her society. They all think that she will be just like her father and run away from danger. She is determined to prove them all wrong and attends flight school to become a pilot. 

While I didn't love this book, I also didn't hate it. I felt like the first part was really intriguing, then towards the middle the story started to drag for me. Once the ending arrived, it was gone too fast. I really did like the story line though, it was really interesting.

I also really liked the characters. The main character wasn't particularly my favorite, but I really enjoyed the side characters. Some of my favorites were Rig, M-Bot, Kimmalyn, and obviously Doomslug. The way they all helped each other was one of my favorite parts of this book. I also really liked Cobb and his role in the story.

Overall, I rated this book 3/5 stars. I would've rated it higher if the story moved a little more quickly in the middle. That's what made me lose enjoyment. I think this was a good introduction for me into Brandon Sanderson's writing. I'm willing to give one of his other books a go, and if I have the same problem with those, then I don't think I'll be reading any more of his books. But, if you love his work, I think you'll really enjoy this book.

Thanks for stopping by. Have a wonderful day.

1 comment:

  1. If you’ve read Brandon before, you already know you’ll love this. If this is your first Sanderson experience, welcome to the fan club. You will have a LOT of material to hold you over until the next in THIS series comes out.

    Visit Site


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