Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Beauty and the Beast Tag

Hello everyone!
Today I wanted to do the Beauty and the Beast book tag. I love the movie (both animated and live action) and thought this would be a fun tag to do. The creator of this tag is Kirsty from Kirsty and the Cat Read. I saw this tag and thought it would be fun to do.

"Tale as Old as Time" - A popular theme, trope, or setting you will never get bored of reading.
I'd have to say books about World War 2. I love learning about this time period and reading stories about this time period, either fiction or nonfiction. They just fascinate me. I will never get tired of reading books about this time era.

Belle - A book you bought for its beautiful cover that's just as beautiful inside too.
Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard has a gorgeous cover. In fact, the whole series has beautiful covers. I love the world and the storyline. Red Queen is beautiful both inside and out.

Beast - A book you didn't expect much from but pleasantly surprised you.
The Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis really surprised me. I thought I was going to hate it because I had to read it for school, but I actually really enjoyed it. The concept is really intriguing. I'm glad I read it.

Gaston - A book everyone loves that you don't.
Illuminae by Amie Kaufman & Jay Kristoff, I thought I'd give this book a try when it first came out because I'd heard so many people talk about it. I did not enjoy this story at all. The format really confused me and it was hard to follow the storyline. It just wasn't for me.

Lefou - A loyal sidekick you can't help but love more than their counter part.
Marlee from The Selection by Kiera Cass. She becomes best friends with the main character, America Singer. I sometimes wish Marlee was the main character. She's such a sweet character and would do anything for America. 

Mrs. Potts, Chip, Lumier & Cogsworth - A book that helped you through a difficult time or that taught you something valuable.
I'd have to say Night by Elie Wiesel. This book taught me so much. It's a true story where the author recounts his experience with concentration camps during World War 2. I think it's a story everyone should read at least once in their lifetime.

"Something There" - A book or series that you weren't into at first but picked up towards the end.
Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins. For me this book was really slow paced in the beginning, but by the middle I couldn't stop flipping the pages. I ended up really enjoying the story and am so glad I read it.

"Be Our Guest" - A fictional character you'd love to have over for dinner.
Besides Belle, I'd love to have Imogen from the Ascendance Trilogy by Jennifer A. Nielsen. I feel like we'd have a lot in common, and she was a servant and would know how to cook really good food. 

Thanks for stopping by. I hope you enjoyed.



  1. This was fun to read through! I'm glad you ended up enjoying Anna and the French Kiss. I thought it was a sweet YA romance. Have you read the second book?

    Do You Dog-ear?

    1. I have not yet read Lola and the Boy Next Door, but I want to get to it really soon. I hope I like it as much as the first one.

  2. This tag is fantastic! Love it! I haven't read Anna and the French Kiss, but it was one of those book (back in the days) that I really wanted to read and then I couldn't find it anywhere and forgot. Whoops.

    So, I only read the Selection and really loved it. But, with a lot of series, I haven't read the second book or the third... I really want to read the reread the book and then finish the series. Maybe a summer goal??

  3. Oddly enough, I've never heard of The Screwtape Letters before. I mostly know C.S. Lewis for The Chronicles of Narnia.


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