Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Review: Red Queen Series

Hello everyone!
Today I wanted to share my review of the Red Queen series by Victoria Aveyard. I recently reread all of the books in preparation for War Storm to come out this year.

First of all, these covers are gorgeous! That's what drew me to pick these books up in the first place. The story is just as great as the covers.

Mare Barrow was born red, which means she's a commoner. The silver-blooded are the upper class and royalty. Mare gets called to the palace to become a servant and discovers she has a power. She is the first red-blooded to have been found with a power, so the King and Queen hide her away presenting her as a silver blood. It is full of adventures and epic battles throughout the series.

I really enjoyed the writing style and the characters. There were parts that were slow paced. The first book is by far my favorite in the series so far. The second book was mainly a build up for the third book and not a lot happened until the end. There was so much going on in the third book, but the ending disappointed me. It was a huge cliffhanger that left me wanting to read the next book. There are so many twists and turns in this story that I never saw coming. I can't wait for the fourth book to come out to see how Victoria Aveyard concludes this series. 

My favorite character in the series is Maven. He is such a complex character and I love reading his parts in the books. I really hope Mare ends up with him, but I highly doubt that is going to happen. I also really like Farley. She is full of spunk and I love her personality. She is a go-getter and doesn't let people boss her around. 

Thanks for stopping by. Let me know what your thoughts are on the Red Queen series in the comments.



  1. I haven't had a chance to read this series yet. I have the first two books sitting on my bookshelf just waiting for me so I hope to get to it soon. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

  2. I've seen these books around, but I haven't had a chance to red them yet! I'm glad you liked them! It seems like a really interesting concept.

    Do You Dog-ear?

  3. What a lovely review! I started reading the Red Queen series, also because the covers caught my eye, but never finished after Glass Sword. I'm glad that you enjoyed the series overall, though, it motivates me to get to King's Cage, even if the ending was disappointing. I didn't even realize there was a fourth book in the series, I'll have to catch up!
    claire @ clairefy

  4. Great review! I've had my eye on this series since Red Queen came out but, haven't been able to actually start it yet. Not sure if I'm still super interested in it since there are already so many books out and I have no idea when I'll manage to actually finish the series I desperately need to, much less start a new one. I keep seeing Red Queen at my bookstore though and I might give in the next time I visit it! Thank you for sharing!

    Elena @ Book Lady's Reviews

  5. I like these covers too, they're nice! And they sound fun, although sorry to hear the ending of the third one was a bit disappointing. I hate cliffhangers lol! But hopefully the fourth one will be awesome. :)

  6. I thought Red Queen was okay but loved Glass Sword much more. I have to admit I have yet to pick up King's Cage even though I own it because I've heard it has a lot of Maven in it and he's actually my least favourite character. But maybe I should give it a go.


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