Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Tips for Writing

Hello everyone!
Along with my love of reading, I also really enjoy writing. I wouldn't consider myself a professional or anything, but it is an enjoyable hobby for me. I hope in the future I can get a novel of mine published. Right now I'm focusing on a collaborative series with a couple of my friends. From this (and my other writing projects), I've gathered a few tips I thought I could share with anyone who's interested in writing.

Put yourself in the characters shoes.
Before you can properly write a character, you need to know this character really well. You can't just create a person out of thin air and expect them to work in your story. To know your character, create a list of traits of both physical and personality. Once you're list is made, you can then evaluate how your character would react in the different scenarios happening in your story. In order properly write the character, you need to step out of your shoes and into the characters. You become the character in a sense while you're writing.

Have an end goal.
What helps me when writing is having a goal set in mind about how the book/story is going to end. Without this knowledge, I have no direction for my story to go in and it can lead to writer's block which is no fun. You don't have to plan out every single scene, but having an end goal in mind is very helpful.

Share your work with others.
What really helps me as I'm going through the writing process is sharing it with others. Your project doesn't have to be complete before you receive feedback. I like to share my stories with my close friends after I get a few chapters done to see if they enjoy the story and get any ideas/opinions from them that I can. This has really helped me improve as a writer.

Continually read.
Just because you become a writer doesn't mean you should stop reading. In fact, reading can help improve your writing. It can also count as research for your novel. For example, if you're writing a book from multiple perspectives, it might be helpful to read books told from many perspectives to get an idea of how to approach it in your own writing. 

Find your own style.
You may not find your own style of writing after your first project, it may take awhile. I feel like I'm still finding my own style, it's continually evolving. If you're sarcastic, incorporate sarcasm into your writing. Finding your own style can help your audience get to know you a little better as an author.

I hope these tips were helpful. Let me know if you liked this post so I know to do more like it in the future.
Thanks for stopping by. Have a wonderful day.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome tips Abby!! Writing advice is always helpful and appreciated!


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