Sunday, June 16, 2019

The Narnia Book Tag

Hello everyone!
Today I wanted to do another tag. I found The Narnia tag at LILbooKlovers

Narnia: What magical world would you love to visit?
I would love to visit the Elvin world from Keeper of the Lost Cities. Their world sounds so amazing and I'd love to experience it for myself, especially the food!

Magician's Nephew: A book you think is underrated?

The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe: A classic that you love?

The Horse and His Boy: A book you picked up without knowing anything about?

Prince Caspian: A sequel that you loved?

The Voyage of the Dawn Treader: What quest would you love to be a part of?
I'd love to hunt horcruxes with Harry, Ron, and Hermione. I'd probably be scared for my life, but it would be fun.

The Silver Chair: What book did you not expect to love?

The Last Battle: A perfect Ending to a series you love?

The Pevensies: A siblinghood of friendship you'd love to be a part of?
Alex and Conner from The Land of Stories. They are so close and take great care of each other.

Eustace Scrubb: A character who grew on you?
Maven from the Red Queen series. A lot of people dislike him for good reason, but I can't help but like him.

Tumnus: Your favorite mystical creature?

Caspian: A character with regal qualities?
This one is hard to think of. I guess Amarinda from the Ascendance Trilogy. She rules the country while Jaron is out saving it.

Reepicheep: A loyal character?
Simon from City of Bones. He sticks by Clary through all the craziness that she's experiencing.

The Wardrobe: Your favorite hideout/place to read?
I typically read on my bed, but I love reading outside.

Thanks for stopping by. Have a wonderful day.


  1. I love this tag! I especially agree with the first one. I want to try Elvin food too!

  2. Ooh, this is amazing!! I still need to read Asylum, but I have three of the books on my bookshelf lol


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