Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Medieval-A-Thon TBR

Hello everyone!
Holly Hearts Books on Booktube created the Medieval-A-Thon and I thought it would be fun to join along. It takes place the month of July. I thought this would be a fun read-a-thon to take part of and she has put so much work into it. You can look for all the details on her YouTube video or on Twitter.

My aim is to become a princess or queen, so I'd only need to read 5-6 books during the month. I'm going to go ahead and pick a book for all the prompts dealing with armor. I'll probably only pick one or two weapons.

Crown - A book where a character fights for the throne.
This will be a reread for me, but there are a few characters who not only battle for the crown but also their lives. I've been meaning to reread this trilogy for awhile so this is the perfect opportunity.

Helmet - A book with a dragon on the cover.
There is a dragon on this cover and I believe the story also centers around dragons. I've been wanting to read it, so maybe I'll get to it during this read-a-thon. It is pretty long so we'll see.

Breastplate - A shiny book.
This is another reread, but I need to reread Clockwork Angel before I can continue on with the rest of the series because I don't remember this book very well. 

Leggings - Read a thick paperback.
I'm going to go with Eragon again since it's pretty thick.

Boots - A book that has yellowed over time.
This is another reread from my childhood but I remember close to nothing about this book. The pages are really yellow on my copy so it's perfect for this prompt.

Cloak - A book with red on the dust jacket.
I think you can tell I'm in the mood for some rereads. Recently I've just had this desire to reread the HP series, so why not start with the first book next month.

Sword - A book with something pointy on the cover.
I'm currently reading the second book in this series so I'll probably get to this one in July so why not use it for a prompt. There are swords on this cover which is something pointy.

Bow and Arrow - A book with elves.
This might be stretching it, but there are house elves in this book. Dobby is therefore an elf so I am counting this book. 

So there are 7 books that I listed. I really hope I can get to all of them. Obviously I'm in a really big rereading mood because there's only two books I haven't read before. Are you going to participate in this read-a-thon? If so, what books are you thinking of reading?

Thanks for stopping by. Have a wonderful day.


  1. This is awesome!! Good luck with the challenge! :)

  2. Ooh, I'll have to try this!! Sounds like fun :)


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