Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Book Blogger Test Tag

Hello everyone!
Today I wanted to do the Book Blogger Test Tag. Rule: You must answer the questions truthfully.

What are your top three book pet hates?
Cover changes, size differences, and dog ears.

Describe your perfect reading spot.
Somewhere comfortable with pillows.

Tell three book confessions.
1. My books have to be in alphabetical order by authors last name and also separated depending on if I've read it or not.
2. I love the smell of books. 
3. My TBR is bigger than the amount of books I've read.

When was the last time you cried at a book.
Last year when I read Lodestar by Shannon Messenger.

How many books are on your bedside table?
There are currently 9.

What's your favorite snack while reading?
I don't eat while I'm reading books.

Name three books you'd recommend to everyone.
1. Michael Vey by Richard Paul Evans
2. The False Prince by Jennifer A. Nielsen
3. Roseblood by A.G. Howard

Write how much books mean to you in three words.
They are amazing!

What's your biggest reading secret?
I knew the ending of Allegiant before I finished the book because I read ahead.

Thanks for stopping by and have an awesome day.


  1. Micheal Vey! I haven't read it yet, but I got my brother to read it and he loved it! (I also still have the first book sitting on my shelf.)

  2. Ha that's funny about Allegiant! I know the end too and how controversial it is, but have never finished the book- I probably should just so I can see for myself how it actually does end up!

  3. I've only read A.G Howard's Splintered (and loved it!) I really need to catch up on all of her books, including Roseblood! I've heard nothing but good things about it!


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